Soula Notos ism Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights

Soula Notos ism Theater Kikker
Soula's Storytelling Nights

Deze avond is Engelstalig.
Luister naar de verhalen van professionele storytellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers.
Grappige, verdrietige, spannende, lieve, ongelooflijke, troostende verhalen: dat is waar Soula's Storytelling Nights om draait. Voel je thuis en luister naar verhalen van over de hele wereld!
Kom dinsdag 7 maart (speciaal thema: Internationale Vrouwendag!) luisteren naar ervaren verhalenvertellers en getalenteerde nieuwkomers die hun verhaal vertellen. En als de inspiratie toeslaat, wordt het publiek uitgenodigd om hun naam in een hoed te stoppen. Aan het einde van de avond worden twee namen willekeurig gekozen en mogen de gelukkigen hun verhaal delen. Waargebeurde verhalen over gekke families, vreselijke dates, mythen, volksverhalen, nieuw geschreven verhalen: alles kan zolang de verhalen maar verteld worden en niet van papier worden voorgelezen. De avond wordt omlijst door de geweldige Utrechtse artiest Reversed.
Dus, kom naar deze nieuwe maandelijkse avond in Theater Kikker en laat je verrassen!
Naast Soula Notos treden de storytellers Cené Hale, Betina Abi Habib, Ekram Jalboutt, Phillip Melchers, en muzikant Rian Evers (Reversed) op.
Cené is an American actress, writer and storyteller whose work focuses on complex female stories.
As a former main stage actress at Boom Chicago comedy theater in Amsterdam, Cené has travelled and performed on stages and at festivals all over the United States and Europe. Including Edinburgh Fringe Festival (EDI), Oerol Festival (NL), Women Are Funny Festival (CHI), and the Del Close Marathon (NYC) just to name a few. Her work has been featured on IndieWire, Huffington Post, Above Average, WhoHAHA and corporate intranet portals around the world Cené is currently based in Amsterdam where you can catch her teaching improv, coming up with comedy songs while riding her bike, and pretending to like drop candy.

About Reversed
Utrecht based Rian Evers is a troubadour, songwriter, composer, singer and musician.For over ten years she has been writing songs, composing music and performing. Now, in collaboration with other musicians she performs under the name of Reversed and is working on their first work a double-debut-EP called Headstrong. Click here for more info.

Phillip Melchers
Phillip Melchers is a storyteller forged in the mythical snowy wastes of Canada. With a focus on queer experiences, he seeks to inspire joy and reflection through his own personal stories.

Betina Abi Habib
Betina Abi Habib (Lebanon,1993) is an artist and cultural worker living in Utrecht. When performing, she chooses to start from her personal stories to address wider political and social questions. Betina got introduced to storytelling through De Voorkamer, in Utrecht and has been invited to share a story after following a master class by Soula Notos.

Ekram Jalboutt
Ekram is a Palestinian from Syria. She is a writer and activist in the humanitarian field.